GSR Proceedure

What is a GSR (Guaranteed Service Refund)?

A service guarantee is effectively a money-back promise for package delivery.

When our couriers receive your ordered package in hand is when your requested delivery time has started.

If your package has not arrived to you within this time you can request a refund from us, and if accepted, your shipping fees will be covered.

The guarantee is time- and - day- specific.

Note that your GSR would automatically be declined if delivery was delayed by and act of God / natural disasters.

How do you submit a GSR (Guaranteed Service Refund) request to SONIC LOGISTICS TT?

It is not difficult to submit a Guaranteed service refund if you have determined that a shipment was delivered after the scheduled time. Within 5(five) days of the scheduled delivery date, the shipper (not the recipient of the product) must submit the request.

All you need is your Sonic tracking number to submit your claim. There are two ways to submit a Sonic Logistics TT GSR request:

  1. You can contact us via phone call @ (868)609-7664

  2. Submit a GSR Request by clicking the button below